Hi! My name is Megan, and I wanted to put some
information about me on this page, in case anyone cares. :)
I am 24 years old, a Cancer, and I just finished college at the
University of Texas. I grew up the second youngest girl in my family, with
three older brothers and an younger sister. Let me tell you, was kind of a pain in the
butt sometimes! I love my brothers to death, but they were so overprotetcive
of their 'little sis' sometimes. They also were typical 'boys' growing
up, so I got in my share of headlocks, and mud fights with then.
I majored in Communications, and I hope to be working with one
of the local news and media companies in Texas soon. I also took
a few classes in web design while I was in school, so I build this
webpage to try to improve my skills. I follow the pagan and wiccan
beliefs, so I thought I'd build it about something I'm interested
To the right, you can see a picture of me and my fiance Jason.
He proposed this past spring, and we should be getting married next
year. He's an AMAZING guy, and I am so happy I have him in my life.
I like to think I met him with a little help from Kyra from KyraMeadows.com
but I'm sure some people would laugh at that. All I know is that
he's the most wonderful man alive, and I don't care if it was magic
that brought is together or not, Jason is wonderful!
I am also currently learning how to cook different types of foods.
I am trying Cajun and Italian right now, and I think I'm getting
pretty good! Don't make any of those donestic jokes like 'barefoot
and pregnant' though! Not for anothr few years for that one!
I hope you enjoyed learning about me! Go back to the Love
Spells Magic page here!
If you would like to contact me to ask questions about the information
on this page, or to send me information about any spell casting
services you have used, you can email me at megnbell@gmail.com.
This is my personal email address, so please don't send any spam
at me!!!

This is me and my fiance, Jason. |